Clean Manufacturing Preserves Clean Air & Water

Clean Manufacturing Preserves Clean Air and Water

To do our part for the environment, Xerox is working toward eliminating the use of persistent, bio accumulative and toxic materials throughout the supply chain. We apply strict internal standards in clean manufacturing and have reengineered or substituted processes to dramatically reduce the use of toxics and heavy metals. Our products are safe to use and can be disposed of responsibly to preserve our clean air and clean water.

Eliminating Toxic Materials from the Supply Chain

Our suppliers must meet Xerox’s strict standards to control the chemical content of our products. Xerox is a member of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) which has developed a standards-based approach for monitoring suppliers’ compliance across several areas of social responsibility, including labor, health, safety and environmental activity.
Learn more about how we are working to eliminate toxic materials from our supply chain on the Governing Chemical Us page.

Dry Ink, Toner, cartridge, printer, clean manufacturing, copier, recycle, go green, elon musk, Xerox, Environment, Document Technologies
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Controlling chemical and water use in Xerox operations and through product design

Xerox manufacturing operations have reduced emissions of particulate and toxics in the air by 95% since 1991. 

We design our products to strictly control emissions of chemicals and noise during equipment use. Our current products have chemical emission levels that are well below global regulatory requirements. 

Xerox toners are non-toxic and do not generate hazardous waste.

Water consumed by Xerox operations is sourced from local municipal suppliers who withdraw water from lakes, rivers and other surface waters. All water quality is tested as required to maintain compliance at each site. The water discharges at manufacturing sites are monitored to validate compliance with local sanitary sewer discharge limits. Water is discharged to municipal water treatment facilities.

While in 2015 no water was recycled or reused, a pilot program was initiated to evaluate a technology designed to use Reverse Osmosis reject water for a secondary purpose. The water will be utilized as supply to cooling towers at the site. Currently this water is sent to the sanitary sewer and ultimately to the Publically Owned Treatment Works (POTW). Projections indicate water savings of five (5) percent of purchased water per year. If the pilot is successful, the technology will be evaluated for possible replication at other locations within Xerox.